Keeko - The First Plastic Neutral Certified Oral Care Brand in Australia

25th Oct 2021

We Are The First Plastic Neutral Certified Oral Care Brand in Australia

Balancing product form, function and sustainability is very much at the forefront of Keeko's mission. Since our brand inception in 2016, we has been dedicated to working with sustainable, clean, high quality ingredients, ethical manufacturing practises, and post purchase customer support through initiatives like our Australian oral care recycling program.

In 2021 we joined rePurpose Global in its commitment to sustainability and the reduction of plastic waste by officially being certified plastic neutral.

This means that for every product we sell that contains plastic, we fund the removal of plastic waste from landfills and natural environments to be recycled and repurposed.

Who Is rePuprose Global

rePurpose Global is the worlds leading Plastic Action Platform dedicated to reducing waste, reviving lives, and restoring natures balance.

Developing markets are some of the most affected be plastic pollution including - India, Indonesia, Kenya & Columbia who are in dire need of help. There are thousands of innovative waste management solutions worldwide that tackle the plastic epidemic, yet they lack the funding to scale up their impact.


Supporting Project Anant Pranay, India

Through rePurpose Global we have chose to find Project Anant Pranay in Aurangabad, India.

Project Anant is a local woman-owned enterprise, Civic Response Team (CRT) to catalyse the collection and ethical processing of low-value, soft plastic packaging waste (MLP) that would have otherwise been dumped in overflowing and hazardous landfill.

Calculate Your Plastic Footprint 

Ever wondered how much plastic waste you generate? You might be surprised to learn that the average individual generates around 84 kilograms of plastic waste each year, but in less that 5 minutes you can calculate your plastic footprint and join rePurpose Global to fund recycling initiates and offset your footprint.


Elevate your oral care routine with Keeko. Our range of safe, effective and sustainable oral care essentials harnesses the power of natural non toxic dental products for your a whiter smile, fresher breath and healthier body. Shop Keeko