Teeth tips, cute stuff & cool stories. Oh, and smiles. Plenty of em’.

Does the purple toothpaste actually work?

Does purple toothpaste actually work? The truth...

We have seen it splashed all over TikTok but does purple toothpaste actually whiten teeth? The an...

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21st Oct 2023
Is it OK to be a mouth breather?

Is it OK to be a mouth breather? Here is what y...

Take a moment right now and notice how you're breathing. Are you taking short, shallow breath...

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21st Oct 2023
Can a cavity go away on its own? Here is what you need to know.

Can a cavity go away on its own? Here is what y...

Cavities, those tiny holes in your teeth, are a common dental woe that almost everyone encounter...

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21st Oct 2023
What is Fluorosis and How Can You Avoid It

What is Fluorosis and How You Can Avoid It

Fluorosis, a dental condition caused by excessive fluoride intake during tooth develo...

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7th Oct 2023
8 Reasons Why Hydroxyapatite is better than Fluoride

8 Reasons Why You Should Choose Hydroxyapatite ...

In the world of dental care, a revolution is underway, and it's centered around a powerful m...

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7th Oct 2023
5 Reasons Why Veneers Might Be Right For You

5 Reasons Why Veneers Might Be Right For You

Wondering what are dental veneers? Well, when it comes to transforming your smile, dental veneers...

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22nd Aug 2023
vitamins for teeth and gum health

These Are The Vitamins & Minerals You Need ...

Do you know what makes teeth stronger? You’d probably say regular brushing and flossing. They are...

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11th Aug 2023