We get it, your local Government is very old school in their thinking, so they continue to add fluoride in your water. Which according to science in the 1930s is good for your teeth, but here we are in 2025 with new scientific evidence, we have to assess the risks of fluoride in our bodies ourselves. Here at Keeko we will give a brief overview of which Governments still add fluoride in their drinking water and which don't, and also provide some tips on how to remove the fluoride from your daily life.
Firstly, only in the US and Australia does some Governments still add fluoride to our the water that we ingest. In Europe, they have removed the practice of removing fluoride from their drinking many moons ago, 1970s for Germany for example, whilst in UK fluoride is only added to less than 10% of the population with continued push to remove it in its totality, yet in the US and Australia we are amongst the “most unhealthy" in all the Western countries we continue to add fluoride to our drinking water. Recently however, The US Government have announced that they will look to push for State Governments to go fluoride free in their water systems in 2025 as part of a drastic change to their health system with the aim of improving the overall health of US citizens. Utah has announced that it will remove fluoride very soon, this is a positive step in the right direction.
Research has shown that fluoride levels below 0.7mg per L (1) is unsafe and some Governments such as Victorian Gov in Australia being at 1mg per L and and around 0.7mg per L in most parts of US whilst is below the recommended levels but consider how much water do you consume directly or wash your food with or do the dishes with it is hard to imagine how much fluoride do we accumulate then on a daily basis in our bodies daily, monthly, yearly and in our lifetimes.
So why not try to remove some of those risks from your daily life and take up some the top tips below:
1. 1. Install a filter in your kitchen taps to remove what Governments put in
2. 2. If you can’t do that buy a jug filter that at least removes the water that you drink
3. 3. Finally purchase a fluoride free toothpaste such as our Dream Clean hydroxyapatite toothpaste
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(1(1) "Public Health Service Recommendation for Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water for the Prevention of Dental Caries". Federal Register. 1 May 2015. Archived from the original on 5 December 2024. Retrieved 8 January 2025.